About Me

Elizabeth Kilpatrick, a Nobody

I grew up on a farm in NE Victoria, Aus. My parents bred stud cattle, Aberdeen Angus and Murray Greys. They were also heavily involved in horses. My father ‘broke in’ and trained the young ones, including the wild brumbies. He also retrained horses who had acquired problems, from being handled by problem people. My mother rode and trained riding horses, and showed her horses. I swear at one stage we had over 100 horses, either stabled in one of the many stables we had, or paddocked at one of the numberous paddocks we owned or leased around the district.

This blog is intended to be a compilation of all the main stories that I hope to convert into a book at some stage in the future. In effect you are reading my book, when you read my posts, or flip through these pages. If I put too many stories up here, there will be no point in publishing a book, as it would be all included here.

The task ahead of me is the ‘learning curve’ required to fine tune this blog. Initially when I started it appeared so simple, I set it up with the theme allocated and off I went. Then as I became more familiar with the blog, I tried to add  multiple menu’s, and organise the blog in such a way as to mimic a book. Problems arose. Some of the information available in the help menu, fails to distinguish between the free version and the paid versions of the site. I will leave that problem for another post.

I considered myself the runt of the litter. I was one of four children, with two older brothers and a younger sister. I was the one who was the gofer, or who could be relied upon to be the recipient of any practical jokes, who provided much merriment and amusement for the other siblings.

I learnt to be quite wary of any overly friendly attention from my siblings. I also learnt to be a little cunning, in learning to avoid being left alone without parental supervision in the prescence of my siblings. Don’t get me wrong, I was not a weakling, and  I stood my ground on anything that mattered, but I was a little shy and quiet in my demeanor.

My mother was fiercly independent, and considered herself equal to any man. Anything a man could do, so could the females, except for the lack of physical strength. She raised her children to be equals. The boys learnt to cook and sew whether they wanted to or not, and the girls learnt to do everything the boys could do. We were raised to be equals.

I loved to watch people and animals, to learn and understand them, from watching their body language, and how they interacted with each other and life. I became a people and animal person, I believe I learnt well, that watching life would hold me in good stead for the future.

I am rather proud of my achievements. I have practised as a Taxation Accountant for over 30 years. I started my own Taxation Consulting Business from scratch, and ran a very successful practice for the past 20 odd years. I taught my eldest daughter Bookkeeping, and trained her to be a Personal Assistant, she was my PA and did an excellent job.

I have done all of this solo, on my own for the past 35 years. It is my choice, I actually like the idea of being a spinster. Unfortunately I did marry when I was quite young, but it was not for me. We have stayed friends, as we share two beautiful girls.


About me. At this early stage I will need to rethink my plans, in order to see the ‘bigger picture’ regarding my book. I believe I want this blog to focus solely on representing a draft for the finished book.

I recently lost my eldest child. She was my soul mate, my raison d’etre. She died in a tragic accident on January 7th, 2012. When a child dies before the parent, it is a Life Sentence for the parents. You can join me on this journey into the unknown. My world as I knew it has ended, I now feel as if I am clutching at straws. I built my world around my daughter, it was inconceivable that she would not be here to share it with me. All the hard work we did together had just paid off, and without a blink, she was gone.

I want to find the legacy that would best represent my daughters life, and her short time, dancing on life’s stage. I believe the book which will focus on my life growing up on the farm, with the horses will be a start. My daughter was also a horsewoman, so some chapters in the book, dedicated to her life and times, may help me to find the legacy she deserves.

7 responses to “About Me

  1. Elizabeth, you are right when you say the loss of a child ends the world you know. My sister-in-law lost her son shortly before she met my brother. I cannot imagine the grief and never want to know it. My heart goes out to you.
    I hope my funny little stories can bring a smile to you,if only for a moment.

  2. Thanks for stopping by at my blog and for liking one of my posts ”A FRIEND IN NEED”. May the Lord give you the strength you need in all your endeavors in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray He turn all your sorrow to happiness and joy. May He bring smile back to your face in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord is with you.

  3. No parent should lose a child…when my nephew died in an awful accident I wept not only for him but for my sister too. It is inconceivable to anyone, other than those who experience it themselves, the pain that must be endured. But every time in the years that followed all I had to do was look into her eyes to feel and see that pain. My heart goes out to you and I wish you well in developing your daughter’s legacy…BBC1 xxx

    • Thank you. I empathise with you.
      The song written by Amanda McBroom, sung by Bette Midler, has a most poignant verse, that explains part of how I feel.
      “Some say love, it is a razor That leaves your soul to bleed ”
      My mother died before my 18th birthday, my father a few years later, my brother in early 2008, and now my daughter.
      The four most important people in my life, all soul mates. I feel I lost a huge part of me with each death, and my heart was broken each time. I am just a shell of a person that I used to be. My family has been everything to me. The final blow was the death of my daughter, that is a cross too hard to bear. I have no desire to live another 30 years without her.
      A constant black cloud hangs over me now, and so it should.
      Everyone of my family that are no longer with me, were exceptional people, and it is up to me, to make sure their stories are told.

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